Thursday, November 10, 2005

On Multiple-Styled Worship Services in the Local Church

Worse yet is to offer different services with different styles of musical worship. The rationale is that by having different styles, you can attract different people. The downside is that you do at least two bad things:

First, you reinforce the idea that church is about me. It's about meeting my needs, catering to my style preference, singing my songs, doing what I want. It fuels selfish desires.

Second, it separates generations in the church of God. Old folks go to the "traditional" service. Young folks go to one "contemporary" (whatever those terms mean). Titus 2 ministry doesn't take place, because the generations aren't interacting. The contemporary service ends up with the "blind leading the blind," as younger people are without mentors and often without respect for their elders. The traditional service ends up full of older people who don't have the benefit of being rejuvenated by the young and who are often selfishly concerned about their personal needs.

True, "blended" services often leave both sides mad. But maybe that's the point. Maybe we shouldn't be mad. Maybe we should learn to love one another and defer to the desires of our brothers and sisters. Perhaps it would be a good thing for us individually and the church corporately if we didn't get what we wanted. A church where people truly love others more than themselves could be the most "seeker-friendly" place out there.


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