Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Value of a Good Church Covenant

Last night, our young church signed and then sang our new church covenant. I also shared with the group some thoughts about covenants. Note the following:

What is a Church Covenant?

A church covenant is a biblical promise a local group of believers makes to God and to each other about how they will live together as the people of Christ.

Why a Church Covenant?
  1. It makes membership meaningful. We can say we want to emphasize membership, but what does that mean?
  2. It makes membership understandable. A covenant doesn’t say everything about what it means to be a Christian, but it does say the main things. It helps us understand what it means to be a Christian and what it means to be a part of a church.
  3. It makes membership accountable. While statements of faith (confessions, creeds) hold us to a standard of belief, covenants hold us to a standard of conduct. If we live contrary to these promises, we welcome our brothers and sisters to confront us, exercising church discipline if necessary.
  4. It makes membership attractive. If we live up to the standards of this covenant, by His grace, unbelievers will see and take notice. It benefits the mission of the church.
  5. It makes membership powerful. It magnifies what God has done and will do in the life of believers.
  6. It makes membership selfless. Our covenantal promises will assist us in turning from our needs to the needs of others.
  7. It makes membership humble. It casts us on God’s mercy to live up to the terms of the covenant, encouraging us to pray for ourselves and our brothers and sisters.

Why Sing a Covenant?

  1. We will not always sing it. We will often read it together.
  2. Singing helps us connect our hearts with our heads, not just thinking, but also loving great truths.
  3. Singing helps us remember great truths, planting them deeply within us.


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