Piper on Fine versus Folk Culture

At our last Tuesday night "Show Grace" Bible study, we discussed the differences between folk, fine, and pop culture as detailed in Mark Driscoll's The Radical Reformission. John Piper offers some great insights on culture here by pointing out the differences between those fine and folk. Piper seems to conflate pop culture with folk culture. I think Driscoll's three-tiered distinction is more helpful. But Piper's thoughts are excellent, regardless.
Hi there.
Congratulations on your new daughter, and the work you're doing in Columbia. The town needs you, and I thank God that He's led you to Columbia!
I only wish I was still going to school at MU so I could participate. I'm in Kansas City at Faith Community Church, and Lord willing, some of us can come to Columbia sometime in the near future...
Thanks for posting. Thanks for the encouragement, and do come visit.
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