Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Today I went to the Missouri Baptist building in Jeff City and got Stetzered. I sat through a 5 hour seminar by Ed Stetzer, a missiologist for NAMB.

Ed is well-known in church planting circles. He is on the board of the Acts 29 Network, a group I like. He had some super things to say. Now I don't always agree with everything he says. He seems to be much warmer to the "church growth" guys than I am. But his emphasis on being missionaries in our contexts, without compromising the gospel, is much needed. I spoke this past Sunday about being confessional, relational, and missional, and I basically argued for everything Stetzer said in the third point. I encourage all of you to see Stetzer's talk go up on The Resurgence site. It should be there soon. Check it out.


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